Providing you with affordable agile and flexible training solutions to prepare for emergencies and crisis.
Resilience Explained
What is Resilience?
The Lexicon of UK Civil Protection Terminology defines Resilience as:
The ability of the community, services, area or infrastructure to detect, prevent, and, if necessary to withstand, handle and recover from disruptive challenges.
Put simply, it is our ability to respond positively to a crisis or emergency, however big or small the event is.
Things happen every day that affect each and every one of us – as individuals, families, communities and businesses / organisations. By becoming resilient, we can prepare ourselves for the possibilities; react and respondin an appropriate way when things do happen; and consequently we can help to controlthe situation.
And the first step to becoming resilient is through training and preparation.
We offer several training solutions that will help your company, infrastructure and staff
Train – Prepare – Respond – Control.
Unfortunately none of us can predict what will definitely happen later on today, tomorrow, next week or sometime in the future – but what we can do is use some tools and techniques to help identify what may happen, and what we believe the likelihood and associated impact would be if it did. And if the unexpected did occur, then it helps to have a plan that we’ve thought about and prepared in advance that, although it might not match the circumstances exactly, will certainly help us take some of those important decisions early enough to havea significant effect on the outcome.
Combine that with an excellent team of people, who understand the plan, and have trained together so that they trust each other – and we are then able to respond effectively, and control the situation.
Training Courses
Training is critical for ensuring that individuals are able to carry out their roles efficiently and effectively.
Our training course design and delivery service includes the following options:
- Delivery of existing, client owned training courses / materials
- Design and development of bespoke training courses
- Delivery of our “off the shelf” T4R Training Courses
- We deliver training courses either on site at your location, in a nominated training facility,
or online using our Virtual Training Service. - Example courses include:
- Steward Training
- Log Keeper Training
- Incident Management Master Classes (refresh your incident management knowledge
and skills) - We would welcome the opportunity to chat with you further about your requirements
and how we may be able to assist you.
Incident Management Exercises
What is an Incident Management Exercise – and why should we bother?
An Incident Management Exercise is a simulation of an emergency situation, that enables participants, organisations, events and businesses to validate their emergency plans; develop teams in terms of their competences and give them practice at carrying out their roles as defined in the plans; and to test well-established procedures.
It is important that we know that our emergency plans (including business continuity, communication, and warning and informing plans) are reliable and workable – and an exercise provides us with a safe and secure environment to prove that our plans meet the identified requirements, and highlight any areas for improvement.
There are several different types of exercises, that can also be used in combination as required.
- Discussion Based Exercises
- Table Top Exercises
- We can provide you with a complete Exercise Design and Delivery Solution for both Discussion Based and Table Top Exercises.
- This includes:
- Developing the scenario against an agreed Aim and Objectives
- Provision of all exercise materials – including injects, supporting information and media simulation
- Provision of the appropriate IT equipment and systems to deliver the exercise
- An experienced and trained Exercise Delivery Team – including an Exercise Director/Facilitator and Exercise Controllers
- Post Exercise Reports
In addition, we can also provide Media simulation – a team of journalists to exercise TV, Radio, Print and Social Media communications.
Each exercise is developed specifically for you to ensure that it reflects your event, structures, geography and resources. The day is structured around your needs – and can include didactic training sessions, and presentations, as well as exercise scenario events. We can also support the development of live exercises, and provide External Exercise Observers for the exercise.
As with all of our products – your exercise, using which ever type of exercise you choose, will be developed and delivered specifically for you. This bespoke service ensures that the simulation required for the scenario is as accurate as possible for the business, geography and resources that you expect to encounter in real life. However, we also recognise that sometimes groups and organisations would prefer to take on some of the tasks themselves, and so we are also very happy to simply undertake the scenario development and exercise writing on your behalf, which you can then deliver as required; and we are also able to provide External Exercise Observers and Post Exercise Report Writers for events that you organise.
We have a range of clients from both the public and private sectors across the UK and Europe who we support with a variety of training, exercising and resilience consultancy services. We have designed and delivered over 150 different exercise events; along with countless training courses; and discretion and reputation are important to us, and to our clients. We therefore do not list our current clients on our website but we are very happy to provide case study information and client references on request.
Contact Us
Senior Partners:
Beverley Osborne
m. 07789 884984
e. [email protected]

Adrian Seward
m. 07792 158472
e. [email protected]

Company Address:
Training 4 Resilience
Shepherds Hill
Buckhorn Weston
Dorset SP8 5HX
Make an enquiry:
If you would like more information about any of our products or services please complete our enquiry form by clicking here, or contact us direct using the details above.
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UK Company Registration:
Training 4 Resilience is an incorporated Limited
Liability Partnership (LLP)
registered in England and Wales
Partnership Number OC360630.
VAT Registration
No: 112 332 373
© Training 4 Resilience 2024